So to-day is my only day off here in Richland, Washington, and I took advantage of it by visiting the three antique stores within walking distance. I dropped fifteen dollars and came back to the hotel room with ten postcards, seven of which were sent to someone. Here’s the text of the cards I got:
- Front: “Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon”]Oct. 2, 1907
Dear Clara;
I have not heard from you for a long time. How are you and your sister. 643 Milwaukie St. Essie Shurie [sp?]
Miss Clara Miller
901 Sixth St. cor Madison
Oregon City, Oregon
- [Front: “Fountain, City Park [Now Washington Park – Khris], Portland, Ore.”]
[postmark: August 31, 1911]
How do you like this Sylvia? The flowers are no prettier than at home now. Only a few roses in bloom. The park is lovely. Mrs. Bruin. 354 Sacramento St., Portland, Ore. Am on steamer bound for Hood River.
Miss Sylvia Finley
2021 Second Ave.
Butte, Mont.
- [Front: “Forestry Building, Portland, Ore.”]
Portland, Oregon
I was so sorry not to see you before leaving. Mr. Moore said you didn’t know when we intended going. I was sure I told you the first of June. We enjoyed the Rose Festival. Francis has gone to Roseburg – we expect to go on to Los Angeles but I may back out the last minute and go to Roseburg too. Hope you are well and happy. Yours, E. Browne.
June 12, 1911
Mrs. Frank Moore
Vollmer, Idaho
- [Front: “Rose Hedge, Portland, Oregon.”]
8/21 [1909]
I picked as big a bunch as I could hold & wished for everyone I knew so I could give them out. Am going to be on the Pacific Ocean for three days, starting this morning. Love to you, Miss Richards
Miss Ruth Kellum
RR 12
Mallot Park, Indiana
- [Front: “An East Side Residence and Garden, Portland, Oregon.”]
Dec. 13, 1908
Hello Dannie,
Your card came to hand and was very much surprised, for I thought you had forgotten this kid long ago. Yes I had a pertty [sic] good time so far this winter, are you going to school this year? I’m glad that you enjoyed your self at our party. I hope all of them had a good time. Tillie S.
Wishing you all a merry Xmas and a Happy new year.
Mr. Dannie Jones,
Newberg, Oregon RFD #2
- [Front: “U.S. Custom House, Portland, Oregon.”]
I received your card a few days ago so I will answer. I certainly was glad to hear from you, I hope you will answer this one as soon as you did the other one, I am[?] not choice about what kind of card you send me. I want you to have your picture taken and send me one please. Now be sure and have your picture made and send me one by return mail. I am ready for that ride any Sunday Afternoon. Your Sincere Friend, Kate Harton, RFD #2, Henderson, N.C.Mr. Perry E. Lee
Doylestown, Ohio,
RFD #2
- [Front: “Interstate Highway Bridge Over Columbia River, Between Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington”]
Vancouver Wash. Gen. Del.
April 7 [1948]
Dear Elva,
We are enjoying the nice weather. Lots of rain but at least it don’t pile up like the snow in Dak. Leo Smith passed away. 1/2 hr after we got here. Mar 23. We will meet Grace in Eugene Ore. Tues. 620 PM. Saw lots of people that used to live in Dak. Plan to call on Ethan[?] when we go up north. Write and give me the low down on whats going on. How is Ole? Sorry to miss the shower[???] on Nortons. Write. Love, Della & F.W.
Mrs. J.J. Nolsted
Cogswell, N.D.
When I get home, I’ll try to remember to scan these postcards in so you can see the fronts of them, and if I get really ambitious, I’ll scan in the backs as well.
On a final note, as it relates to my last post and my experiences in antique stores, a word of advice to antiques mall vendors: If it says “collectible” or “collector’s edition” anywhere on the original package of the mass-produced, made in Hong Kong crap that you’ve bought, it will never be collectible! I don’t know how many “collectible” Hot Wheels I saw to-day…